Monday, August 1, 2022

Bunny curiosity.

[muffled] There's no treats in here.

[muffledRiver said there were treats in here.


Tarosagi said...

Simon is absolutely food motivated maybe he was thinking that River was trying to pretend like there were no treats in there so he had to look in order to be sure she wasn't hiding any from him!

Courtney said...

Hi Tarosagi!

When it comes to treats, it's always important to make absolutely sure no receptacle goes uninvestigated! ;)

Mónica López said...

Lol, River you evil little bunny! You trolled him good! Buns can't resist to shove their heads inside everything!

Courtney said...

Hi Mónica!

I think she's still getting back at him for stealing her pellets all those years ago causing her to lose about a pound in weight before I figured out what he was doing. All's fair in love and food! ;)