Thursday, May 25, 2023

The little dude needs a bun-per sticker.



⚠️ Caution:  This bun makes sudden stops. 

**Since Google blogger for some obnoxious reason doesn't want to let me upload the photo (after 5 attempts) and keeps giving me some weird cookie settings message followed by an "Oops--try again later!" dropped ice cream cone image, you can see the pic here on my Tumblr version of this blog:

Bunnies and Sunshine Tumblr

Edit 5-26-23 8:26pm:  Oh, hey--it finally uploaded the pic!  I'm leaving my cranky-pants rant anyway. 😉

Thanks for visiting the blog and we hope you all have a great weekend!  Stay safe out there and we’ll be back with more bunny cuteness on Monday.


Anonymous said...

Dear River S. Bun,

This is unacceptable of the Google! I am most aggrieved at this and vow they will not get anything, not even coal, in their stockings this year!

I hope you are well and being a good bun!


Santa Paws

Courtney said...

Dear Santa Paws,

The little human finally got the computer to make it go/Google is no longer holding the bunny cuteness hostage for cookies and ice cream. I'm not sure, but we got pictures and that's all that matters!

I am being good, so you can give me all of Google's treats! :)


Tarosagi said...

Glad the picture finally posted! I definitely think that Simon needs an 'anxious driver' bunper sticker so he can get some space because River is definitely cottontail-gating!

Mónica López said...

Unstoppable force meets unmovable object! I hope his booty wiggled a bit when River crashed. Had it been the other way around River would have been propelled to infinity and beyond!

Courtney said...

Hi Tarosagi!
Lol--cottontail-gating! A missed bunny pun opportunity. XD

Hi Mónica!
Seriously! River got a face full of bunny butt due to Simon's distracted hopping.