Tuesday, October 16, 2018


River gets into the Halloween spirit by telling Simon a hare-raising story.
Two bunny puns in one post?  You betcha! 😉


Anonymous said...

Everybunny loves puns!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Giraffe silently judging lol

Mónica López said...

"And there were no more treats..."
Poor Simon, he may look interested, but he will have to sleep with a light at night!

Courtney said...

Hi Anon1, Anon2, and Mónica!

That's good to hear because they just tend to write themselves sometimes! :)

I never thought that giraffes could look judgmental, but Mr. Giraffe nailed it!

Oh, man--River would probably have started the story with, "This is based on actual events." That would cause the little dude to volunteer for round-the-clock sentry duty until he passed out from exhaustion. Who needs sleep when treats are on the line?!