Monday, May 10, 2021

Hard at work.

Towel teepees don't make themselves, ya know!

We gave Simon a new towel because he loved his old one too much and it was beyond salvage.  The little fella wasted no time making a bunny fort out of it using bunny hork and sheer determination.


Mónica López said...

Simon is so full of love and bunny hork I give that towel two weeks before it ends like the last one! He is a dedicated bunny!
Also, is that River on the background? What is she doing?

Tarosagi said...

Looks like Simon finished his last work of art, now it's time to begin anew and create something magnificent!

Courtney said...

Hi Mónica and Tarosagi!

He really is! I'm amazed that he had any spit left after creating his teepee. Yeah, River was busy tunneling under her pile of hay trying to find some alfalfa I'd mixed in it.

An artist must create, no matter the medium! Hopefully he won't discover the linen closet because we can't let all of our towels become bunny art supplies. ;)