Thursday, May 6, 2021

Queen of the Mountain!

Just a short video of River being her cute, regal little self!  Just a head's-up that this has sound.


Mónica López said...

I think River would like to remind us all she is also Queen of Everything!
Lol this reminds me of when I was facetiming my parents while laying on the floor when I was on holidays at my aunt's house and felt a sudden pressure on my bum, it was her bun, he had hopped up and had no plans of leaving!

Tarosagi said...

River is so majestic, she's the queen of all she surveys!

Courtney said...

Hi Mónica and Tarosagi!

Aww, your Aunt's bunny was making the most of a captive audience! :)

So true! We can only hope that she remains a benevolent ruler.