Friday, June 18, 2021

Gave us a scare!

Sorry for the late post.  River wasn't feeling too well around 11pm--breathing very fast, listless, and her little ears were very warm.  I ended up giving her a bit of pain reliever/fever reducer and made an ice bag to help her cool down.

This is her an hour later once the meds kicked in and shortly after binkying around the living room.  She ignored the offered blueberry (letting Mr. Giraffe guard it from Simon), but scarfed down a cranberry along with some oats and a few pellets.  Not sure what the issue was, but we'll keep an eye on her.  Could be that elder buns are a bit more sensitive to temperature increases (it was about 76 F indoors).

Thanks for visiting the blog and we hope you all have a great weekend!  Stay safe out there and we'll be back with more bunny cuteness on Monday.


Tarosagi said...

I'm glad River is doing okay now and she's recovering quickly and back to her feeling like her old self again! She's incredibly resilient!

Mónica López said...

This girl looks so smug and proud of herself! She got her humans to give her all their attention! I'm so happy she is feeling better now!

Courtney said...

Hi Tarosagi and Mónica!

Aww, thank you--I'll give the little munchkin a noogie for you both! :)