Friday, May 13, 2022

You had one job!

River is regretting her choice in lookouts.

Thanks for visiting the blog and we hope you all have a great weekend!  Stay safe out there and we'll be back with more bunny cuteness on Monday.


Alex said...

LOL River, this face ^^
Looks like Simon detected something !

I hope the 2 best buns had a good weekend :)

Tarosagi said...

I wonder what distracted Simon? I’m sure River was trying to get treats or get into the spaces with all the chewy wires so what could possibly be more tempting than that?!

Mónica López said...

Simon just wants to mind his own business... And hop on the couch.

Courtney said...

Hi Alex!

River was definitely bummed out for not getting to carry out whatever shenanigans she managed to cook up. Aside from that, the little munchkins had a pretty good weekend. :)

Hi Tarosagi!

I think Simon intentionally looked the other way given how many yummy treats he's been getting lately. Who knew that the price of loyalty was a spoonful of baby food every morning?! ;)

Hi Mónica!

Lol--The little fella has figured out he has a good thing going with getting his cut of the baby food and doesn't want to jeopardize his supply! XD