Thursday, August 10, 2023

Banana time! 🍌

I'm convinced that there will never be a food humans love as much as River loves banana.  So much happy lip-smacking goin' on! 😂


Tarosagi said...

Hooray, River was able to sniff out and get her much deserved banana coins! Not only is it River's favorite treat, but it's her preferred form of payment for all the cuteness and adorableness she shares with everyone!

Mónica López said...

Oh she is absolutely delighted! I don't know what bunnies see in bananas but it has to be pretty addictive!

Courtney said...

Hi Tarosagi and Mónica!
I'm sure if the world were ruled by bunnies, bananas would be the currency of choice. Granted, there would be no banana billionaires because there would be no fun in hoarding bananas--gotta eat 'em before they spoil! ;)