Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Amos is sleepin' hard! 😴

When I saw Amos like this, I had to grab my phone to take a quick pic.  As soon as Naomi noticed that he was sound asleep, she immediately set to trying to wake him up.  That little girl is physically incapable of letting a sleeping Amos lie.  No wonder the little fella is exhausted!


Mónica López said...

My boy Amos sleeping like a fluffy log. What a legend. It's hilarious that Naomi won't let him rest, what does she do to him? XD Can't she see he just needs a nap?? Playtime can come later!

Tarosagi said...

He's a sleepy little guy, he's definitely a deep sleeper by the way he's flopped over like that!

I can see Naomi in the back peeking over at Amos ready to thump and scratch to wake him up! Hopefully Mr. Giraffe was around to remind Naomi about tenant and neighborhood laws regarding quiet hours!

Courtney said...

Hi Mónica and Tarosagi!
We laugh, but Naomi has been like this since we brought them home. I can only assume that she demands Amos take up sentry duty because she got bored or she's decided that it's time for everybun to play RIGHT NOW. She will make noise in any way possible (dig at the cage, bite at the bars, fling toys or her food dish at the ground/cage, do bunny parkour) completely disregarding 'quiet hours'. Amos has tried to get Mr. Giraffe, Esq. involved and has met with minimal success with his cease and desist orders. Naomi's entertainment will not be constrained by silly things like county by-laws!

I did wake her up while she was flopped today and as Amos was watching. I think it made him feel slightly vindicated. I do what I can! ;)