Wednesday, September 29, 2021

I'm okay!

Yup, I totally meant to roll out of the bunny tunnel like that! 👍


Mónica López said...

Big boy looks so embarrassed! How did he rolled out?

Tarosagi said...

Just act natural Simon, play it off like you meant to do that, he intentionally chose to not exit the tunnel gracefully! And as long as River doesn't find out, nobody will know!

Courtney said...

Hi Mónica and Tarosagi!

Honestly, I'm not sure what he was trying to do (drama flop gone wrong or he tripped hopping out of it). All I saw was half a Simon out of the tunnel with his feet flailing in the air and then he looked like the pic!

Simon tries hard but he has no chill! You immediately know something's amiss when he gives a look that would, if life were a comic strip, have him with a "!" over his head. XD