Tuesday, September 21, 2021


Caught River playing with her food again.  I think she knows if she holds a leaf like this, it looks like she's sticking her tongue out at us.  Bunnies really do have a quirky sense of humor!


Tarosagi said...

River loves playing with her food more than she loves eating it sometimes, maybe she just likes it when you watch her play and then she'll start munching her greens. She's such a silly eater!

Courtney said...

Hi Tarosagi!

You know, you might be onto something! River really is easily distracted when it comes to food--it becomes a plaything more often than not. Way more fun to toss it around, tunnel under it, tear it up, make funny faces with it...anything but actually eat the food! :)

Mónica López said...

Lol she is such a little goofball! I thought bunnies went straight for the nom!

Courtney said...

Hi Mónica!

She really is! Get her a bunch of toys and she'll still choose to play with her food instead. ;)