Wednesday, November 10, 2021

So much work to do!

Cage cleaning day + fresh hay = feeding frenzy

The best hay is always on the bottom!  Seriously, the little dude didn't come up for air for 15 minutes.


Mónica López said...

They just love to dig! I wish I could understand how the best hay is buried at the bottom!

Tarosagi said...

I think Simon is practicing holding his breath so he can lay under the pile of hay and wait for River to try to take his cage, before he ambushes her!

Courtney said...

Hi Mónica and Tarosagi!

They really do! I think at some point I must have sprinkled some treats in their hay to get them interested in it and from that point on, they snuffle around inside the pile looking for goodies. :)

Oh, the mighty tiger bun stalks his prey from inside the hay pile! River would definitely not be expecting that. XD