Thursday, November 4, 2021

Lookin' for trouble.

Gee, Simon, how do I know that this isn't an innocent little bunny snuggle?  Could it be the super guilty face you're giving me right now?


Mónica López said...

Omg River's face! she looks so shocked and betrayed, just as if Simon was grooming her but then went for the nom!

Tarosagi said...

Could Simon still have some Halloween magic and mischief in him that he’s behaving like a zombun?!

Courtney said...

Hi Mónica and Tarosagi!

She really does have that 'I need an adult' look!

I think there was a miscommunication about how many treats they were given and judging by his eye shine, he's peak sugar rush at this point so any idea (even going full zombun) seemed like a good one at the time.